Corporate Services
Corporate Services
A hands on team with an extensive client portfolio from numerous industries. Our qualified Company Secretarial Service professionals work with companies of every magnitude from small business entities to multinational companies.
We can advise on which company type will suit your business needs such as:
International companies limited by shares or guarantee
Local companies (private, public, community)
Charitable organization set up
Establishment of Foundation
International Company Formation
Vanuatu is one of the well-known jurisdictions in the world for incorporating international companies as “tax-free” business territory. The international companies can conduct business with all other parts around the world , other than Vanuatu. The company is allowed to hold assets within and outside Vanuatu and are allowed to bank with certain banks in Vanuatu and outside.
A minimum of one Shareholder is required and the shareholder can also be the Director of the Company.
Offshore companies can be formed through “Registered Agents”, located in Vanuatu and approved by the respective authorities.
iCOUNT is a Registered Agent and can form an international company within 2-5 working days.
Local Company Formation
Local companies can conduct business in Vanuatu and outside. A local company requires at least one director to be a local resident and minimum of one shareholder is required. Foreign investors require approval from Vanuatu Foreign Investors Promotions Authority (VFIPA) and business licenses depending on the type of business activity.
Our highly experienced team will ensure that your intended business model complies with the regulatory requirements and take you on the fastest route to VFIPA approval.
A local company can be set up within 2-5 working days.
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